Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Horse Grooming and Bathing: Items For A Better Grooming Kit

Let's face it we all like to keep a organized and clean grooming tote on hand, especially for those who board or keep their horse at different locations other than home. Remember also to keep the brushes and combs clean and free of sweat and dirt build up, it doesn't do much good if the brushes you use for removing dirt are filled with dust and dirt to begin with. A good tote or box to consider is one that was originally designed for tool boxes, but are great for this purpose too, they have lids to close them up if needed and offer a step stool as well. Another one is the open box type that come in a variety of colors and sizes. It seems a couple of them would be a good idea,just make sure you keep your basic supplies in the one you carry along when you travel to go on trail rides.

First you want three basic types of brushes:

A stiff bristle type for removing the tough dirt and debris collected in your horses hair.
A body brush which is an all purpose type brush to whisk away the finer particles of dirt.
A finishing brush is one of soft bristles for the face and to add shine to the horses coat by bringing the natural oils to the surface of the coat.

I would like to create a list for the rest of the items to consider, keep in mind there is a huge selection of grooming supplies on the market. Try to decide what fits the purpose or function of what you will need.

Curry Combs: Plastic, Metal, or Rubber these are great for removing the excess shedding hair off your horse

Tail Brushes: A wide toothed brush to help detangle the horses mane and tail without a lot of breakage to the hair

Hoof Pic: These come in a variety of designs one to consider is the one with a brush included they are relatively inexpensive so keep a couple on hand

Soft Cloths: Keep a terry cloth towel on hand for general clean up and to use as a rub rag for removing the fine particles of dirt from your horse

Bathing Supplies:
Keep a good cleansing shampoo on hand as well as one that offers anti-fungal ingredients in case of any bacteria growing in your horses coat, also a brightening shampoo for show ring ready coats. A detangling spray or lotion is great for smoothing out those tough hair knots.

Sweat Scraper: always include one of these to get the excess of water and sweat off of your horse.

Fly Spray: In the spring and summer months keep a good quality fly spray with you to help your horse combat those annoying biting flies.

Together with this list of items remember to keep the currying items clean rinse them out when needed and allow them to dry. Try diluting a bleach solution in a bucket to remove any bacteria from your brushes or combs, especially if you own more that one horse and use the same brushes. The same idea goes again for your saddle pads keep them clean and free of dirt and sweat by using a mild soap to wash them in. You will have a better and more useful grooming kit when applying some of the tips I have listed above. Have a healthy, happy, and clean horse.

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